We have worked with children and families in various communities, both rural and urban, around our state.
The name, Dandelion Kids, was inspired by an experience I had. I realized through this experience that dandelions are a perfect example of the ability to grow and even thrive in the midst of adverse, difficult circumstances. As we look at the statistics regarding children in our state, we know that we have a lot of work to do to help our children overcome the many problems they face as they are growing.
Although Alaska is a place of beauty and wonder, it is also home for many broken and hurting people. Alaska ranks very high compared to other states for problems like addiction, suicide, violence, child abuse and children in foster care. As schools were forced to close due to COVID lockdowns, abuse cases rose more than 175%.
Along with partner ministries such as 907 Missions, BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge, and Salvation Poem we are working hard to minister to families and provide necessary resources to bring about change in each home.
It is our prayer that Dandelion Kids will help plant lasting values, empower kids to grow, thrive, and become positive leaders of influence in their communities and in our state.
With your help and support Dandelion Kids produced faith-based children’s video programming for 102 villages in 2023, as well as traveling to remote communities for school assemblies, parenting seminars, kids camps, and kid’s ministry training.

In pre-covid Alaska, our focus was outreach programs and all things children's ministry!
Our primary mission is to:
- Reach children and families
- Identify, train and mentor leaders
- Resource and empower the church
- plant Kid’s ministries in every rural community in Alaska!
We are excited for the future and returning back to gatherings like in the photo above.

Video Outreach Programs
In 2020 our world changed. In-person gatherings came to a screeching halt and ministry had to adapt. Many of the remote communities do not have internet capabilities and over 100 communities do not have a consistent gospel witness. But, almost every home has a TV/DVD player.
Our goal is to send hope filled DVD's to every household with children in these areas! For as little as $10, you can help us give a ministry DVD to 5 families, or a $100 donation will cover the cost of 50 DVDs!
Any amount will help send DVDs to families in rural Alaska.

While sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ is essential, it is equally important to ensure that new believers have access to follow up and Bible training. Our mission is to provide follow up and to identify, train and mentor new leaders for children’s ministry.
We love working with families and also have programs for parenting, faith based recovery and community outreach.
We know that God dearly loves the people of Alaska and has plans for each and every life!